Topic > What is the budget process? - 1119

What are some questions that come to mind when you think about the budget process? Some may ask questions like: what exactly does the budget procedure mean and how does it work? How has the budget process been managed in recent years and has it changed? How do we contribute to the budget process and does this benefit or impact us as citizens? The budget is an important document and process in state government, and decisions made can benefit or affect states' citizens, so it is important to us as well. The budget determines how much money is funded for each organization or business, i.e. how much money will be available for all our public services. It also plays a role in how much we Californians have to pay in taxes and fees. Therefore, our budget is a necessary part of the control system. Marian Radu states that “The budget is a financial plan that covers, usually a period of one year, it is an important tool for short-term planning and a control tool throughout the organization. It is also a short-term action plan whose purpose is to effectively organize and coordinate all the human and material resources of the enterprise. “First, the budget process has a series of steps that it must go through before it can be approved by the Governor. For example, the Governor must first present to each House in January a comprehensive plan and a specific statement with the amounts for the State, where it will then reveal the budget in a formal press conference. Then, once the documents are presented to each legislative chamber, a budget bill is presented. The bill will also be presented to the Assembly Budget Committee and the Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Committee following this... halfway through the document... looking at welfare/public assistance in the late 20th century there has been increasing government involvement, and with this involvement included state and federal governments. According to it states that “for Republicans, it was the sheer size of the spending cuts. For Obama and Reid, it meant sidelining GOP policy initiatives that would have blocked environmental rules and changed a program that provides family planning services.” However, the intended goal or policy provisions were not maintained, but in the end all parties won to some extent. Third, in addition to knowing how the budget process works and how it has changed, we need to understand how we play a role because it affects us. also in communities. Finally, the budgeting process is an important aspect to understand because it determines several things in our lives. Us