Topic > Brief summary of Lilith's lineage by Erin Hunter, Octavia...

1. Lillith in Dawn was chosen as a human to lead the other humans who would be reintroduced so that the planet could contain life again. A strange looking race called Oankali, wants to interbreed with humans and they want to call it genetic engineering. The awakened humans do not want to interbreed with the Oankali and Liltih is called a traitor because she helps save the Oankali she was bred with.''Lilith is complex in that she makes decisions about what she wants to happen, but in every choice she takes this into account that the group as a whole would like to see happen'' (p 180, Dawn). Lilith accepts the label of traitor from humans because she knows that for every choice she made she thought about the consequences. Liltih is an archetype because she is the perfect example of strong women who go through hard times but still manage to survive. Lilth has been through a lot but it hasn't broken her. He made his decisions and thought about the consequences, but he did what he believed was the right thing to do so that the planet could keep life alive....