IntroductionThe Eurozone crisis can be seen as the most important economic problem in the history of the European Union. Due to that crisis the monetary union found itself faced with the possibility of separation which is an extremely critical issue not only from an economic but also a political point of view. Until the subprime mortgage crisis, which became evident with the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers in 2008, the economic level of EU members was similar. When the failure occurred, these countries began to differentiate themselves very significantly. Total government debt and also banking sector problems lead many countries to negative GDP growth, high unemployment rates and, above all, social unrest. Due to the enormous economic and social problems resulting from the Eurozone crisis, finding a solution to the currency problem becomes a difficult task. urgent and crucial task of member countries. To solve this problem, many different proposals have been presented by all interested parties. The policy implementations adopted by the European Central Bank have had strong impacts on the economy of the union, and therefore the idea of a separation within the union has almost disappeared. However, in order to find an effective and permanent solution it is necessary to focus on long-term fiscal and monetary policies.[1]The Eurozone crisis has had enormous impacts not only on the EU economy but also on other countries with relations economic and financial with union members. The reason why we decided to examine the Eurozone crisis in detail is to better understand the mechanisms underlying this extremely important and complex problem and also to draw accurate conclusions about solution alternatives. In our article... in the middle of the document... neighboring countries will be greatly affected by the issue. In a sense, fiscal austerity or an exit scenario is the alternative to accepting differentiated government bond yields within the Eurozone. . If Greece does not abandon the euro by accepting higher bond yields, then high interest will reduce demand, increase savings and slow the economy.[11] The other option, a German exit scenario, would also cause problems for the country's economy. Due to the loss of purchasing power in peripheral economies and additional transaction costs, German exports to these countries will decline. Furthermore, a stronger euro will reduce the competitiveness of German exports relative to the rest of the world. On the other hand, Germany has benefited significantly from the latest developments within the Union.[12] It is observed that there is an increase in demand for German bonds.