When periodontitis has progressed to an advanced stage, it can put your health at risk due to bacteria that have not been removed from the teeth. Researchers reasoned that bacteria from the mouth usually enter the body through the bloodstream and contribute to inflammation and blockage of the arteries. Once the bacteria are there, they begin to spread into the blood vessels and certain diseases begin to appear. According to the book Infections and Diseases of the Mouth, “Advanced periodontitis is related to diseases such as diabetes, osteoporosis, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, pregnancy complications, pancreatic cancer, and arthritis.” . Similar studies have shown that “people with periodontal disease are 2.7 times more likely to suffer a heart attack and 3 times more likely to suffer a stroke” (“Healthbeat. Flossing”). Doctors believe that oral health is essential to having a healthy body because the cleaner the mouth, the better bacteria in the environment can be eliminated or cleaned with dental floss and prevent