Critical and creative thinking are fundamental to human intellectual progress and its artifacts (Dewey, Elder, Csikszentmihalyi, Rosenman, & Gero, 2012). Critical and creative thinking are considered higher levels of thinking because while the critical thinker is believed to primarily use the left brain and a creative thinker is believed to primarily use the right brain, both types of thinkers tend to think outside the box, but in different ways. . There is no direct link between critical thinking and creative thinking, but each of them has different dimensions of thinking that are used. Critical thinking is convergent thinking, creative thinking is divergent thinking. Critical thinking is a process used when reflecting on and judging ideas and efforts, whether ours or others. Critical thinkers generally think outside the given and beyond the obvious to look deeper into thoughts and ideas in an attempt to analyze and understand them better. Critical thinkers have logical thinking, but at the same time use the ability to draw strong conclusions. Critical thinking involves examining possibilities carefully, fairly, and constructively, focusing one's thoughts and actions by organizing and analyzing possibilities, refining and developing the most promising possibilities, ranking or prioritizing options, and choosing certain options (Treffinger, 2008). Critical thinkers evaluate, categorize, interpret, identify, and categorize during their thinking process. Creative thinking is a more mental than logical process. Creative people make greater use of their mental raw material and practice less intellectual regulation (Baumgartner, 2013). In the creative thinking process, there is a lack of seriousness and more playfulness during…halfway through…living in a bigger city.2. What kind of fun can I have?3. How does the city I currently live in differ from the one I'm moving to? In conclusion, critical and creative thinking can be used separately or collaboratively, depending on the situation or decision being made. Some people by nature are critical thinkers and rarely use the creative thinking process, while the same goes for creative thinkers who rarely use the critical thinking process. I have used both collaboratively to make an important decision to move from one state to another, but these thinking/reasoning methods can be used in a wide variety of ways and methods. Critical thinking is the skill needed to see parallels, understand intersections, identify problems and develop sustainable solutions… while creative thinking is the way ideas are defined (Burgess, 2010).