Topic > Literacy and Learning Theories and Frameworks - 1533

Literacy and ESOL Theories and FrameworksResearch ReportI conducted research on theories and principles related to language acquisition and learning, and language learning and development literacy. I then analyzed the associated teaching approaches relating to both areas. The teaching methods are based on learning notions. The teaching methods of second language learning theories are closely related to the concepts related to first language learning. It is important for a teacher to be aware of available theories in order to make informed practical choices. Learning Theory Definition Associated Methods Behaviorist Pavlov, Skinner 1900 Learning is the result of a stimulus. It can be manipulated, observed and does not require any cognitive processes in the brain. Learning is a process of forming habits. The role of the teacher is to control the environment and the student's behavior through reinforcements (rewards and punishments) Teaching and learning through mimicry, imitation, reinforcement, memorization, repetitive exercises, rewards, learning-centered approach Cognitive teacher Piaget 1950s Learning is not the formation of habits. It involves cognitive processes. Learning is a process that occurs in the mind regardless of contexts. Children's developmental stages are central to this vision. Knowledge itself is self-sufficient and independent of contexts. Learning occurs first and foremost at an individual level Lectures, reading, student-centered approach Sociocultural Vygotsky1970s Learning is an interaction between the individual and the situation. The role of context is strongly emphasized. The teacher is a facilitator of learning rather than a "transmitter of knowledge". Learning occurs first on a social level and only… halfway down the paper… in an innate ability. To learn languages, input is a crucial element in second language acquisition (SLA). This input must be understandable. This can be achieved through conversational adjustments. Some examples of modification include• Comprehension checks• Requests for clarification• ParaphrasingSecond language teaching methods associated with this theoryCommunicative language method: a version of task-based learning. Influenced by Krashen and developed in the 80s-90s. This method is characterized by ensuring the authenticity of materials and significant tasks. Swain ResultsCONCLUSIONEffective teaching does not simply mean assessing students' skills. It also means knowing which elements of individual approaches and methods to adopt with different students and in different circumstances BIBLIOGRAPHY Vygotsky L (1978) Mind in Society Cambridge Mass: Harvard University Press