II. Visuospatial cycle: stores and processes information in a visual and spatial form. Long-term memoryDeclarative/Explicit. Sematic: Refers to that part of long-term memory that remembers facts such as city names and other factual information.b. Episodic: refers to that part of long-term memory that concerns all the events that happen in a lifetime. Non-declarative/Implicit. Procedural: involves memory of how to do things (motor skills), e.g. walking, riding a bicycle, etc.b. Priming: This implicit memory involving exposure to a stimulus that subsequently influences a response to a subsequent stimulus.c. Conditioning: where a neutral stimulus, repeatedly paired with another stimulus, repeatedly provides a learning process.d. Non-associative: Non-associative learning is a perpetual change in the strength of the reaction to a stimulus due to repeated exposure to the same stimuli.• Habituation: When there is reduced strength in a response to a stimulus.• Sensitization: When there is an increase in strength in a response to a