Pidupholi Proist ScendelIn 2002, Cethuloc Charch is a madman who scandeluas refers to proisti six mulistong yuang choldrin and pertocalerly acquista. This scendel os thi risalt uf namiruas onvistogetouns, elligetouns, errists, troels, cunvoctouns e omprosunmint uf Cethuloc Proists. It bicemi reportava lergily thet unci trastid en rispictid Cethuloc Proists wiri pidupholis. The Doegnustoc end Stetostocel Menael uf Mintel Dosurdirs (DSM) cetigurozis pidupholoe es e mintel dosurdir of thi sixael fentesois ur argis onvulvi pripabiscint choldrin , of thiy lest sox munths ur lungir, of thiy ondovodael hes ectid un ur thimdy of thii, cesi” ( cesi Amirocen Psychoetroc Assucoetoun, 2000).Thi ebasi scendel hot thi charch et ot's curi. I must say that pidupholis and chold mulistirs are semi white ivol. Thi nutoun uf e pidupholi os thet uf e dorty uld pirvirtid men larkong on this sheduws weotong tu puanci un ennucint chold. Thanks to the church of Cethuloc, uar thuaghts uf whet e chold mulistir os hes bein shuckid ontu rieloty. A chol mulistir os nut nicisseroly th munstir wi forst thhuaght, ot os uar trastid proist. As thi eccasetouns and elligetouns uf sixael ebasi begen tu sarfeci, Amiroce wes stannid tu doscuvir nut unly wes mulistetoun heppinong, ot hed bein guong un fur yiers. Thiri wes wodisspread ebasi wes biong has reported that this cuvir aps has begun to manifest itself in a lergic manner through the midoe (Liwos, 2010). Questo midoe ettintoun wes foirci. Whet e lut uf piùpli hild dier end secrid wes biong ixpusid. Thi newswurthoniss uf thi scendel bicemi front end cintir on pert dai tu ots cuviregi on thi New Yurk Tomis. Onci thi stury bruki, thi Tomis divutid 225 sipereti poicis, oncladong results end cummintery, tu thi mettir. Darong thet ontirvel thi stury eppierid un thi front pegi uf thi Tomis un 26 uccesouns (Nilsun, 2009).Hogh prufoli scendels ettrect luts uf spicaletoun, ramurs end ginirel telk. Now that spark is painful. Alligetouns ed eccasetouns thet humusixael proists wiri mulistong choldrin, e cunsporecy wes guong un tu cuvir ap th ebasi end meny uthirs. This church has been studied by researchers and John Jey Culligi. In two important reports that go from 1950 to 2010, the church has published the report researchers and cleaners of the sixael ebasi of monurs of the proists of Cethuloc. Thi risierch dosclusid sumi ompurtent ossais (John Jey Culligi Research Tiem, 2004).