Topic > gym - 655

Essay on health, well-being and good decisions. Living a healthy and active lifestyle is important for having a happy, long and fulfilled life. It might seem difficult at first, but everyone can live a healthy life if they get an education, take the time and effort, and most importantly, make the right decisions. It's important to make good choices to ensure you live the healthiest life possible. Heart health, substance abuse, STD prevention, and pregnancy are all very important topics that you need to make smart decisions about. Your heart is one of your most important organs, so it's important to keep it healthy. To do this you need to make the right choices in terms of diet, exercise, smoking and alcohol. Reducing cholesterol is a great way to start keeping your heart healthy. Cholesterol is a fatty substance present in the blood and too much of it can lead to blockage of the arteries, which could cause a heart attack. You could reduce your cholesterol by not smoking or drinking, exercising, reducing stress, and watching your diet. There are many foods that are low in fat and don't add much to your cholesterol. Some of these foods are wholemeal bread, fish, chicken, fresh fruits and vegetables. There are elements that can influence your cholesterol level that you cannot change, such as gender, age or genetic factors. Having a bad heart will affect your overall health, so it's important to do everything you can to keep it healthy. Smoking can cause serious long-term health effects. Some of these include chronic lung disease, heart disease, and lung cancer. One cigarette contains over 4,000 chemicals, many of which cause cancer and can lead to premature death. Smoking is extremely highly addictive to 80%...half of the paper...all types of sexual intercourse, so you don't get any of these infections and remain a healthy person. In conclusion, there are many decisions you need to make to live a healthy life. These might include keeping your heart healthy by lowering cholesterol through diet, exercise and stress reduction. Choose not to smoke cigarettes to avoid lung and heart disease, and not drink alcohol to prevent a reduction in brain size or liver disease. Use a contraceptive such as a condom or pill to avoid unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases. Health education in school will help my decisions in the future because I am now educated on these three topics. I also know all the risks associated with them, so they will greatly influence my decisions. I hope I can achieve the healthy life I want and make all the right decisions in my life.