Other cases, the desire to treat oneself with respect and love may occur. Through an exchange of information, two people can learn and learn to love themselves. However, it is the parents who show their children how to love. In the absence of a parental figure, many children will face a sudden change in their lifestyle. Children of all ages will learn from their teachers, their peers, and the influence of the media. In The Glass Castle by Jeannette Wall, children will change through different influences in their lives, as seen in the novel, “I hesitated. “Sometimes, I think, it's neither.” (256). Jeannette grew up knowing that her parents weren't the best role models. Although her father has shown his love for her through various actions. He finds that it has been difficult to talk about his parents in public. The fact that her parents live on the streets while she spends her money on school is horrifying. Her bond with her parents became increasingly worse, which helped Jeannette become an up-and-comer