Because the feed is implanted in the brain of the population, there is an inability to escape the control of the feed. In describing the feed, Titus says, "There's nothing but the feed that tells you this is the music you heard." This is the music you've been missing. This is the news. Listen." In this description it is noted that the feed is constantly running, forcing you to enjoy an object or idea. This relationship between the feed almost extinguishes the consumer's free thinking and provides him with an allusion to what he wants. They are agree that the feed is implanting itself in the minds of the population and providing them with thoughts and ideas rather than letting them think for themselves, because throughout the novel, the population is constantly changing their appearance and clothes to adapt to new emerging trends, providing more money for the companies that created the feed. In addition, the feed often distracts a person from his surroundings and fills his mind with marketing I know, it was beautiful. It just wasn't like that... I guess it wasn't just the way she looked, but the way she stood. With her arm. I was just getting a little bit of feed at the food bar and the pot stickers were really cheap. Even in crucial moments, the feed is there to give Titus a boost and