Diversity in the workplace is one of the most significant discussions in business and economics. Workplace diversity can include races, backgrounds, beliefs, personalities, gender, etc. Discrimination against women in the workplace is a serious problem that has affected the economy and human resources of any country and company. Australia has a good economy and great jobs. The Australian experience in developing vital strategies and policies to protect women from discrimination in the workplace is very significant and unique because the Australian workplace is unique and multicultural. Therefore, this report will examine Australia's experience in eliminating discrimination against women in the workplace. Additionally, this report will discuss the status quo of Australian strategy and policy to protect women's rights in the workplace in Australia. This report will provide recommendations to improve women's rights in the workplace and eliminate discrimination against women in the workplace in Australia.1. Introduction1.1 BackgroundThe development of different types of technology has increased the number of global companies and multicultural companies around the world. The global workplace has become “more diverse” and has employees with different cultures, beliefs and backgrounds than at any time before. Globalization has revolutionized the global workplace and created new challenges in understanding the similarities and differences in the workplace. Classic policies and strategies for the traditional workplace must be reviewed and adapted to work in the new multicultural workplace (Stockdale & Crosby, 2004, p. 277). ..Italian government. (2008). Diversity in the workplace. Sydney.Borger, H. (2006). Human Resources (Australia-wide). Career FAQs. Cieri, H. (2007). Human resource management in Australia: strategy, people, performance. McGraw-Hill Higher Education.Government, A. (2009). Review of the Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Act 1999. Office of Women.Moyle, S. (2010). Commission on the Status of Women. United Nations.Office for Women. (2009). Review of the Equal Opportunities for Women in the Workplace Act 1999. Australian Government. PILCH. (2008). Eliminate barriers to equality in the workplace. Melbourne: Clearing House on Public Interest Legislation. Rees, N., Lindsay, K., & Rice, S. (2008). Australian anti-discrimination law: text, cases and materials. Federation Press.Stockdale, M., & Crosby, F. (2004). Psychology and management of workplace diversity. Wiley-Blackwell.