Child Abuse and Its Prevalence in Modern Society In our day and age when people are busy living their daily lives, a child suffers abuse behind a closed door. According to Bryan Calo, supervisor of Child Protective Services, “Child abuse occurs when a child's physical, mental, or emotional condition is compromised. The child's basic needs are not met and they are not provided with a safe environment to live in” (telephone interview). Very often children who are abused, whether physical, sexual, emotional abuse or neglect, will keep their home life to themselves. This does not happen because the child is embarrassed, but usually because he is afraid of how the abuser will react towards him. Even though it is not often shared with friends or even other family members, the fact that it exists is still not considered. Unfortunately, child abuse is a real phenomenon that happens every day. Children are beaten, sexually abused, even spoken to badly, do not receive daily needs and are continually rejected by a parent or guardian. Today's society should be more aware of child abuse because when a situation is reported, the suffering child is helped by placing him in a safer environment (telephone interview). (PP) Being able to recognize physical, behavioral and mental indicators is one way today's society can help prevent child abuse from occurring around the world. Physical abuse must be prevented in today's society because children deserve to live in a safe environment. environment. A significant factor when dealing with child abuse is the ability to notice indicators that fall into the abuse category (What is Child Abuse and Neglect? 5)... middle of paper... familiarity with . However, child abuse does not only affect some children, but can affect both sexes in all regions of the world. (The Children's Center para. 15) (SUM) Therefore, physical, behavioral, and mental indicators must be taken into account wherever an individual may encounter them. These indicators include bruises, burns, fractures, aggression and doubts. Child abuse must be prevented because children are defenseless; they therefore need someone to take care of them (telephone interview). (PP) Although today's society cannot eliminate child abuse from the world, it can be prevented. Approximately half a million children are abused each year in the United States (telephone interview). (PP) These children do not deserve to be treated badly and people should help them by being more aware of what is happening around them.