Topic > Interview with the Director of Medical-Surgical Nursing

For this assignment I was able to interview Regina Bowman RN, BSN. His current position is Director of Medical Surgical Nursing. Her position places her at the top of seven nursing units between two facilities. Regina graduated with a bachelor's degree in nursing from Mercer Medical School of Nursing in 1979. The Mercer Medical School of Nursing is still in operation although it has been renamed the Capital Health School of Nursing. His return to school began after graduation. She enrolled at Mercer County Community College to get her associates. She later attended La Salle University and received her Bachelor's Degree in Nursing in 2003. Finally, she is currently enrolled at Thomas Edison State University and has a prospect of graduating in 2011 with her Master's Degree in Nursing. Regina has done many clinical jobs, both in and out of hospital. She initially began her nursing career as a medical surgical nurse shortly after graduation. After gaining experience he worked in the emergency room and then returned to Med-Surge as an assistant manager. The unit where she worked subsequently closed and Regina was placed in an outpatient setting where hospital-owned medical teams operated. This position leads her to return as manager of 7 East, a general medical unit. This position ultimately gave her the opportunity to fill her current position as hospital director. I began the interview with questions focused on various aspects of leadership. Regina believes, and firmly believes, that leadership is the key to the survival of any organization. Regina goes on to outline the qualities that she believes make a well-rounded and effective leader. A leader must embrace and encourage change. First, it provides a... half-sheet to listen to the needs and concerns of the staff. I think this is a really great thing to do and I hope more administrators/leaders implement this practice. In relating the interview to the text I found notable similarities. Talks about change, empowerment, organizational decision making, autonomy, magnet, authority, about all leadership practices and its importance were all covered during the interview process. Although initially intimidated by this project, I found it very interesting and valuable. It was interesting to gain perspective on these various topics from a higher-level administrator within the institution. Furthermore, this exercise made me reflect more on my personal leadership style. It allowed me to identify my strengths and weaknesses that I need to focus on to become a more effective and desirable leader within the organization.