An intriguing journey from illusion to reality in The Fixer by Malamud The twenty-first century is destined for revolutions. Revolution on a broader spectrum, in every field of Science, Economy, Technology, Management, Engineering, Archeology and more specifically and touchingly in that of Literature. The twenty-first century is an era of revolutions and counter-revolutions. It's about the idea that ideas rule the world. Man's intelligence plays a fundamental role in every field but at the same time drags the entire universe into a terrifying situation. It has also created unnecessary hatred, callous cruelty and senseless violence and are vulnerably practiced by human beings to impose the same on each other. This article exposes the fulfillment of humanity through the sanctification of suffering. In today's world, every man's life is filled with suffering. The world we live in is full of existential anguish and trauma. It offers a crippled hope for human beings, yet man has to struggle with his sufferings to get a miniature amount of happiness and suffering that shapes us to be good human beings. The action of conversion would not have taken place without the act of suffering. This vital concept is powerfully addressed by the Jewish-American writer Bernard Malamud in his novel The Fixer. The Fixer is a classic example of the existential ideology according to which human catharsis occurs only through suffering. He proposed “Every man is a Jew” (94). He regards the Jew as a paradigm of human values and not as a creature of a chosen tribe. His works intend that suffering and love are common to all men. Malamud was born on April 26, 1914 in the United States. He was the son of Russian Jewish immigrants. It is one of the most compassionate writings...... middle of paper ...... certifies that any human being endowed with values, who experiences suffering in the world and transfigures his own tribulations can be considered a Jew. Works Cited Astro, Richard and Jackson J. Benson. eds. The fiction of Bernard Malamud. New Delhi: East-West press Ltd, 1992. Print.Freidman, Allen Warren. "The Hero as Schnook". Bernard Malamud and the critics. Ed. Leslie. A. Field and Joyce. W. Field. New York: New York University Press, 1970. Hassan, Ihab. Contemporary American Literature: An Introduction. Newyork: Frederick Ungar Publishing Co, 1973. Print.Malamud, Bernand. The Fixer. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1966. PrintShapiro, Gerald Eds. American Jewish Fiction: A Century of Stories, Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1998. Print.Zacharias, Ravi. Can man live without God. Tennessee: Thomas Nelson Publishers Nashville, 1994. Print.