Topic > Gun Control: Something America Doesn't Need - 735

In America, we shouldn't have gun control because it violates the Second Amendment, other countries find it unnecessary and sometimes counterproductive, and it's not all effective, with some negative effects. A debate on the issue has raged for years here in America, with high rates of gun crime and all-too-frequent shootings. One side says we need strict gun control, while the other says it's not necessary. Whichever side you choose, I'm here to tell you that I agree with the latter: America doesn't need gun control. First of all, gun control is an obvious violation of the Second Amendment. As stated in the Bill of Rights, “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.” Law-abiding Americans over the age of 18 have enjoyed the right to own guns for over 200 years. Is it logical or realistic to take it away from him now? NO; it isn't. Furthermore, gun control is almost too controversial to even consider. Any action taken, whether to control guns or not, will result in strong opposition. While gun control is the most obvious method designed to reduce gun crime, the fact that we are so divided on the issue means we should try a different method, like controlling gun crime, not guns. Reducing gun violence in this way would be more palatable to the general population than a violation of the Constitution, or an only partially favorable decision by the government on this controversial issue. A second argument against gun control is that it is often unnecessary. Let's take Canada for example. Our neighbors to the north have high gun ownership, like us, but low rates of gun crime. Another similarity: Neither we nor they have overly strict gun control. This shows that the murder rate is unrelated to... half the paper... and the Records Administration. NationalArchives and Records Administration, n.d. Web. March 16, 2014.Bowman, Jeffrey; Newton, Heather. “Point: Controlling gun violence is more important than controlling guns.” Viewpoints: Gun Control (2013): 2. Viewpoints Reference Center. Network. March 18, 2014. “Gun Control Overview.” Congressional Digest 92.3 (2013): 3. Viewpoints Reference Center.Web. March 20, 2014.Lee, M.; Stingl, Alexander. “Gun Control: An Overview.” Viewpoints: Gun Control (2013): 1.Viewpoints Reference Center. Network. March 18, 2014.Parrish, Ann. “Counterpoint: Does Gun Control Destroy Freedom?” Viewpoints: Gun Control (2013): 6. Viewpoints Reference Center. Network. March 18, 2014.Wilson, Brian. “Point: The Unrealistic Goals of Gun Control.” Viewpoints: Gun Control (2013): 5. Viewpoints Reference Center. Network. March 18. 2014.