The sample for my unknown bacteria report was obtained from the on/off button of the living room television in my home. I was intrigued by the idea of swabbing this area of my home, primarily because with two elementary school-aged girls and a husband who works in a sand factory and spends most of his free time outdoors, there are a number of things that Esso could grow on. The television is cleaned every Sunday with an antibacterial wipe and I was interested to see how these antibacterial wipes work along with what might grow on a surface over seven days in a very active household. A sample was obtained from the television button and swabbed onto the nutrient agar plate. Numerous tests were performed on the sample obtained to help identify what type of bacteria there might be. The bacteria were first transferred from the nutrient agar plate to another plate using an aseptic technique. To begin testing the bacteria, a Gram stain test was performed to determine whether the bacteria were gram-positive or gram-negative, where a smear was made on a slide and examined under a microscope. Upon examination of the slide, the sample results were determined to be Gram-positive as the area appeared purple. Looking at it, the cell had a large stick shape. An acid-fast stain was then performed by making a bacterial smear on a slide. This was also examined under a microscope and the sample was found to be acid-fast and had endospores as the area was pink in colour. The sample was also inoculated into a semi-solid agar SIM (Sulphide-Indole-Motility) tube and was then incubated until the next laboratory period; after checking the results, the bacteria were found to be mobile because...... half of the paper laughed with every dish ordered, as well as eating from the buffet occasionally. Also, when I prepare a meal for my family, we never get to eat at the same time, so it is possible that this bacteria could have grown on the food I had prepared as well. My girls also love playing in the dirt, along with my husband who is an avid outdoorsman who works in a sand plant, and since this bacteria also lives in the soil, I'm not at all surprised to find this type of bacteria grows on the button on my living room television. There are numerous scenarios that can be applied to how this bacteria appeared on the television button, but it is certain that there will be many changes in our home regarding how food is prepared and consumed in my home. wash your hands well and constantly after being outdoors for a given period of time.