Topic > How to be an effective team member - 1188

Teamwork is becoming more and more important in the workplace, thanks to leaders and the fact that it allows the full participation of all employees. To complete different tasks, managers and supervisors usually run teams and assign different tasks to complete an important assignment. Teamwork starts from the top (Smikle, 2009). When supervisors or managers are willing to manage teamwork, they allow employees to follow them. Managers or supervisors set a good example when they delegate tasks, but above all they express to employees how teamwork is productive. Employees work by example, more now than by requests. To be an effective team member, there are several tips you need to follow: Know your role and the team's goals. Be aware of your strengths and weaknesses and the contribution you can make to the team. Be a willing team player. Sometimes you may be asked to perform tasks that you don't like or agree with. Understand how performing these tasks will contribute to the team and the supervisor or manager. Cooperate with team members. Using open communication and strong human relations skills improves. Support other team members by encouraging and assisting them in their tasks. When conflict occurs, try to turn it into a positive experience. Teams are one of the main sources of companies in these future years. Teams are heroes (Collins, August 27, 2009). Everyone wants to be a hero, so we need to build, follow, and be effective team members and effective leaders. Organizations use teamwork because it increases productivity. This concept was used in companies as early as the 1920s, but in recent years it has become increasingly important as the employment…… half of the paper……the sports director “will also have to explain, educate, speak in public and inform the others through the written form". (Hoch, 2007) To highlight the importance of written communication in an article by Griffin and Kaleba, graduates were rated as below average in written communication by more than a quarter of employers. (Griffin and Kaleba, 2006). As a specific example, Bank of America seeks employees who have both written and spoken communication skills. (Wilson, 2006) In conclusion, this article has examined some aspects of work ethic that are important for success in the workplace. The paper explicitly examined teamwork and communication. These two work ethics along with the other eight work ethics of presence, appearance, attitude, character, cooperation, organization, productivity and respect should play an important role in one's work career.