Topic > Dentist: Dental X-rays - 1289

Dental X-rays are commonly taken to assist dentists for further diagnosis. Dental x-rays are images produced on an image receptor with a passage of high-energy electromagnetic radiation and radio waves penetrating through the teeth and their structure (Iannucci, JM & Howerton, LJ 2012). Consideration of electromagnetic radiation and radio waves raises concerns about how radiation affects the body's cells and the composition of the nucleus. Sue Raye's dentist requested x-rays for herself and her family, as dental x-rays involve radiosensitive tissues in the head and neck, raising concerns for her and her family's safety. Is it safe for you and your family to have dental x-rays without the effects associated with x-ray radiation? Especially Xavier, who is only five years old. Sue's concern about radiation and its effect on cells is very common. Ionized radiation can damage cells both directly and indirectly through macromolecules or water molecules within the cell, as explained later (Mettler, FA & Moseley RD, 1985). Direct effect A direct effect of ionized radiation occurs within 10 to 16 seconds. (Iannucci, J.M. & Howerton, L.J. 2012. Pg. 36).) When a photon or electron destroys the DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) or RNA molecule, it causes the breaking of the phosphate sugar skeleton or hydrogen bond within the DNA that originates via radiation ionization (Mettler, FA & Moseley RD, 1985. page 13). As a result, the photon or electron affects the DNA or RNA and alters the molecular bonds, which may prevent it from reproducing and potentially replicating properly (Mettler, FA & Moseley RD, 1985. p.13). Indirect effect Indirect damage is where surrounding molecule... in the center of the sheet... ast: a mechanistic study, The FASEB Journal. (Accessed 19 April 2014).Wagner LK & Eifel PJ, RA Geise. 2008. Potential Biological Effects Following High-Dose Interventional ?_tid=abf700ba-ce02-11e3-9a7e-00000aacb35d&acdnat=1398599842_13 5252df330ce0801bb28701b347bd9b. (Accessed 17 April 2014).Whaites, E 2007, Essentials of Dental Radiography and Radiology, 3rd edition, Churchill Livingstone Elsevier (Accessed 18 April).What is ionizing radiation? 2013. What is ionizing radiation?. [ONLINE] Available at: (Accessed 19 April 2014). White, G.W., 1922. Principles and interpretation of oral radiology. 3rd ed. United States of America: George Stamathis. (Accessed 17 April 2014).