There are many things that people don't understand about technical theater due to the nature of its work and the fact that the things they do aren't appreciated until they are literally taken away from a show. This essay will be a summary of what is often overlooked by the naked eye. First and foremost, one of the biggest things that people underestimate is the size of the backstage crew – a group that refers to everyone who works offstage for a show. For almost every single show in the world, the behind-the-scenes crew outnumbers the actors due to the amount of work that goes into making things actually happen. Of course, the actors are important, but many important members of staff who work on other aspects of the show, such as lighting and sound designers, are often forgotten because their faces are never shown to the audience. As tragic as it may seem that these key members of the show often go unappreciated, there are also some areas of concern that audience members don't understand. Another point that remains unknown to most is that backstage workers often earn more....