Moderately Easy Things You'll NeedIntroductionDumbbell exercises can help you lose weight and tone your back.Stockbyte/Stockbyte/Getty ImagesExcess back fat often causes hanging rolls and that dreaded bulge bra that afflicts many women. Dumbbell exercises that work the back muscles, including the lattisumus dorsi, trapezius and rhomboids, can help reduce fat, but only as part of a full-body weight loss regimen. Spot reduction is not possible, and to reduce fat in the problem area it is necessary to reduce it throughout the body. (See References 1, p. 8) You can achieve this by eating a healthy diet, doing 150 to 300 minutes of cardio per week, and doing full-body strength training on two nonconsecutive days. (See Reference 2) Bent Dumbbell Rows Step 1 Bend forward across the length of a bench, placing your left knee and left hand on the bench for support while holding a dumbbell in your right hand with your palm facing your body. If you don't have a bench, step forward with your left foot and bend at the waist so you can rest your left hand on your left thigh above your knee for support. Step 2 Contract your abs to stabilize your body and keep your back straight, then extend your right arm toward the floor so the dumbbell hangs directly below your shoulder. Step 3Bend your elbow back and slowly pull the dumbbell toward your chest, allowing your torso to rotate upward slightly and squeezing your back to the start of the exercise. Step 4Lower the handlebars to the starting point in a slow, controlled motion. Avoid dropping the weight quickly. Perform 8 to 12 repetitions, then switch sides and repeat the exercise to complete one set. Complete a total of two or three sets. This exercise is primarily aimed at... middle of the paper... before undertaking muscle strengthening exercises, especially if you have an injury or health problem. Key Concepts eliminate back fat dumbbell exercises for back reduce back fat lose weight dumbbell exercisesReferencesWeight Training for Waist; James Hesson [ g&hl=en&sa=X&ei=Lt2UUuepOIzloASPqoDIDA&ved=0CGUQ6AEwBTgK#v=onepage&q=spot%20reduction%20aerobics%2 0strength %20training&f=false]Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: How much physical activity do adults need? []Ask the Trainer: Best Back Exercise []Oprah .com: Lose the Last 10 Pounds Workout []User Bio