Groves, KS 2007. Integrating Leadership Development and Succession Planning Best Practices. Journal of Management Development, 26(3): 239-260. Summary: This article begins by informing the reader about the various leadership development challenges that organizations of all sizes and industries encounter. By failing to understand the importance of best practice leadership, organizations can severely damage their future success. The author points out that depriving high-potential candidates of critical work experience will ultimately create difficulties for employees to reach senior-level positions once current CEOs retire. On top of this, the lack of resources needed for employee development and the inability to adapt to a rapidly aging workforce also creates lower performance for employees. These processes include mentorship, networking and action learning. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to better understand how organizations can implement these processes effectively in the healthcare sector. Outline: I. The author begins by presenting “workforce statistics that pose a major challenge as the baby boom generation retires and many fewer college-educated workers are ready to replace it” (240).a. Lack of personal networks and mentorship programs decreases morale; therefore, employees do not fully understand what it takes to be successful in their roles.b. “Companies are successful to the extent that they have leaders at all levels of the organization.”(241)c. Challenges to career advancement for women and people of color are also present in corporate environments that discourage networking opportunities and/or promote stereotypes.i. Therefore, in this section… half of the document… the business benefits are exceptionally abundant. • Second, I learned that it is also beneficial for employees to have multiple mentors within the organization. Since the beginning of my employment I have only called one of my colleagues a mentor, simply because I feel more confident when I rely on him for support and guidance in the workplace. After reading this article, I am more inclined to seek out other people who have the potential to provide their distinctive opinions. • Finally, I have learned that better results are achieved by employees who participate in workshops facilitated by their senior leaders. I go through a lot of training at HMA and some seminars are supervised by senior management. After reading this article and thinking back to the few seminars held by upper management, I can agree that I was more focused and motivated to learn.