Topic > Augmented Reality: The Benefits of Augmented Reality

It is currently weak in several areas such as portability, external use, calibration, depth perception, overload, over-reliance and social acceptance (Van Krevelen, DWF & Poelman, R, 2010) . In his TED talk, Meron Gribetz really points out that to make this happen as we move forward with the development of augmented reality, we need to “…really try and make an effort to imagine how we can create this new reality in a way that extends the human experience , instead of making our reality a game or cluttering it with digital information.” (Gribetz, 2016). By recognizing that this evolving technology is more than a game, we are allowing it to become a more natural extension of our bodies, paving the way for technology that extends our reality, rather than limiting our senses – otherwise known as