Due to increased production, the shift uses the assigned cement and is refused more from the warehouse. Eventually the cement arrives by train from the warehouse and work continues to break the record. The arrival of the concrete train is depicted like this: "The train approached slowly, overcoming the pressure of the wind with enormous difficulty." This reference explains the reluctance of some in the Soviet Union to move forward and become modern. The last obstacle is the lack of water to make the cement mix, the reason for the loss of water was cost-effectiveness. Marguiles had gone on to break a record considering the cost, only the result. The water is restored and during this shift 402 mixes were poured, but due to the water blockage, Marguiles extended the shift and 506 mixes were poured. With the record broken, Brigadier Ishchenko is confirmed in the party and all his storm brigadiers gain access to the Komsomol, the Young Communist League. The glory is short-lived, as the newly set record is broken within a day by another construction