Being a manager requires a lot of hard work, dedication and persistence. To achieve the goal of becoming a CEO, you need to develop the necessary skills of a manager and then gain the skills and confidence to succeed. Since managers are leaders, it is necessary to develop leadership skills and cross-functional leadership skills. Many companies emphasize the importance of leadership potential and initiative, as well as problem-solving ability and technical skills. The management training regiment should provide an action plan to define strategies and acquire all the necessary skills in a short time to achieve the goal of becoming CEO. First, managers must identify weaknesses, refine strengths, and learn new ideas and concepts. this will improve their leadership qualities. Developing leadership qualities includes honing a key set of management skills; conceptual skills, interpersonal skills, technical skills and political skills. It is important to use interpersonal skills to work with management team members in the program and listen to ideas and opinions. Without strong interpersonal skills, it is not possible to be a successful manager. The manager would develop conceptual skills that a CEO would understand to have vision and determination through the logical thinking process. Furthermore, learning how others think and accepting existing differences would help to manage them. This would give credibility to the manager as someone who is not afraid to think outside the box and tread paths that are not always the norm. You need to create a friendly environment where people are not afraid to communicate, manage resources and apply ideas and theories to guide the team as much as possible. This way you could gain the experience needed to advise future managers. These are all critical skills that must be developed to be successful in executive roles after entering the management training program. All the skills mentioned above are in demand because the company needs a team that leads by example. A manager represents an omniscient leader who effectively listens to and respects the opinions and decisions of his team. It is not necessary for a manager to become an expert in all aspects of the company, but he or she should be knowledgeable enough to make significant decisions for the company and give advice to employees regardless of whether or not he or she has the technical skills. Leaders are able to make key business decisions that benefit the company in the long term and ensure that decisions are made in the best interests of shareholders.