Jane Eyre and the Plays of ControlThere are particular powers that guide lives in their respective directions. Some are internal, but most are external. External helices are forces caused by an individual's environment. Environmental influences include but are not limited to geographic and climatic forces. In addition, there are social forces such as “control drama”. Control dramas were introduced by best-selling author James Redfield as a way to evaluate situations through behavioral classifications. Jane Eyre is an excellent example of how controlling dramas affect the individual. To fully understand why Jane behaves the way she does, it is crucial to analyze the control dramas that influence her choices and decisions (Redfield 142-43). Redfield suggests, “One of the first steps we must take to consciously evolve is to shed our past attitudes, fears, misinformation, and behaviors to control the flow of energy” (142-43). A control drama is a situation involving an individual's desire or drive to control power. This will to power manifests itself through actions, reactions, conversations and all other aspects of daily life. The foundation of controlling dramas begins early in life and sets the tone for further life choices. In a conversation, for example, there is often a constant push for each participant to feel as if they are in control. How each person gains control defines the different levels of a control drama. There are four basic types of power control that we understand: two passive and two active. The most active role you can take is that of "intimidator". The intimidator competes for attention by using extreme behavior....... middle of paper... Jane's environment, she fell in love with Mr. Rochester. The reason for her feelings was not because he was good-looking, particularly kind, wealthy, or socially fit, but because she felt no pressure to perform within a controlling drama. Mr. Rochester and Jane did not have to act actively or passively to force the other to sacrifice personal control. This unhindered relationship is finally successful due to their conscious effort to remain free from these dramas. Works Cited Brontë, Charlotte. Jane Eyre. Ed. Richard J. Dunn. 2nd ed. Norton: New York, 1987. (5-398). Eagleton, Terry. "Jane Eyre's Power Struggles." Jane Eyre. Ed. Richard J. Dunn. 2nd ed. Norton: New York, 1987. (491-96). Redfield, James and Carol Adrienne. Celestine's Prophecy: An Experimental Guide. New York: TimeWarner Co., 1995.