Topic > The Green Party - 944

The way I came to discover the Green Party is through my high school ceramics teacher. Since my family rarely talked about politics, I found the conversations with my teacher intriguing when he talked about his view of the world and politics. While I attend his class, introduce me to his political party, which is the Green Party. I found the Green Party platforms to agree with most of my views, since I am moderately liberal and they are die-hard liberals. I also didn't agree with the two-party system that I found myself registering as a member of the Green Party. The origins of the Green Party began in 1984. They were known as the Committees of Correspondence. As time passed, the Correspondence Commissariats became centralized and began to form governing bodies and platforms ranging from environmental protection to the pro-labor agenda, human rights and social justice. In 1990, the party became known as the Greens, and divisions arose between parties over electoral strategies during this period. One of the members, Petra Kelly, found electoral politics to be corrupting and supported the idea of ​​an "anti-party party" ("A Brief History of the Green Party"). While others saw electoral politics as a necessary driver for social change. The fight over the direction of the organization soon ended in a compromise, in which both strategies would be incorporated within the same political organization, renamed Greens/Green Party USA. The Green Party has ten key values ​​that it follows: grassroots democracy, social justice and equal opportunity, ecological wisdom, non-violence, decentralization, community economics and economic justice, feminism and gender equity, respect for diversity, personal and global responsibility. ..... middle of paper.... attention to our equality when it comes to sex. Additionally, the Green Party strongly supports a legal requirement to hire women and minorities. If this were to happen, we would have a system that would unfairly hire individuals who are not as fit for jobs as others. I agree that we currently have a male dominated workforce, but see how many women go to college compared to men. That workforce would soon change on its own, regardless of politics. Works Cited1. "A Brief History of the Green Party". United States Green Party. NP Network. 17 December 2013. .2. "Party platform". About the problems. and the SpeakOut Foundation. Network. 17 December 2013. .3. “The Ten Key Values ​​of the Green Party.” United States Green Party. NP Network. 17 December 2013. .