Sacramento is a large city and the capital of California. It is home to seven school districts and two universities: University of California, Davis and California State University, Sacramento. Sacramento is located in the California Valley, so it has many farmers with farmland and suburban areas. The reason I chose Sacramento is because that's where I grew up most of my life. It is a fantastic city and has many interesting places within it. Choosing to write about Sacramento will give me the opportunity to learn more about where I lived, which is really important. Knowing your surrounding environment is one of the starting tools for becoming more sustainable. He was surprised to find that Sacramento has low resilience. According to UC Berkeley research, Sacramento is ranked 235 out of 361 with a resilience score of -0.17 (RCI Ranking). The reason I was surprised is because I never thought Sacramento would be in danger of flooding or other natural disasters, but that's not the only thing cities need resilience from. Climate change affects the entire world, which means it affects every city, including Sacramento. “While headlines tend to focus on large-scale climate change impacts, the Sacramento region can expect many negative impacts impacting our health, economy, environment and quality of life” (Greene). When most people think about climate change, they usually think globally and don't realize that climate change affects them too. As Larry Greene mentioned before, climate change will affect Sacramento in several ways. Due to high temperatures due to climate change, the air in Sacramento will be very hot and dry. This will cause an increase in asthma cases, which is… half the paper… stops adding. There should be a bus stop within walking distance of every neighborhood. All these implementations will not be cheap; but if we want more resilient cities, if Sacramento wants to be more resilient, these changes must be made. Works Cited Eichhorst, Urda. Adapting urban transport to climate change. Eschborn, Germany: Technische Zusammenarbeit, nd PDF.Greene, Larry. "Climate change". Sacramento Metropolitan AQMD. Np, nd Web. March 22, 2014. “How Climate Change May Affect Californians.” The Sacrament Bee. The Sacramento Bee, June 23, 2013. Web. March 22, 2014. Lee, Virginia, Leslie Mikkelsen, Janani Srikantharajah, and Larry Cohen. Strategies to improve the built environment to support healthy eating and active living. Np: Prevention Institute, nd PDF."RCI Ranking." Resilience capacity index. Berkeley and Web. March 22. 2014.