When it is consumed to produce it, it is very expensive and it takes a long time, so the cost is very expensive and also hydrogen is difficult to move, so when it is moved from somewhere aside, it is very expensive to move anything more than small amounts of hydrogen. as well as the properties of hydrogen have a very high flammability. It's very dangerous. One of the German car manufacturers Audi has invented a zero-carbon diesel fuel. It relies on carbon dioxide, water and renewable energy sources such as wind, solar and hydropower. Its basic product is called blue crude oil. It was made with 3-step processing. The first step is to harvest renewable sources such as wind, solar and hydroelectric energy. So the synthesis of diesel begins by boiling water into steam and then separating it into hydrogen and oxygen through electrolysis at around 800 degrees Celsius. The hydrogen then reacts with carbon dioxide from the collected biogas by air pressure and again by high temperature. And finally this reaction produces a liquid called blue crude. It is composed of long-chain hydrocarbons. I recommended electric and natural fuels