The thought accompanies you for the rest of the hour. Who are they to judge you by your appearance when half the school's teaching staff is overweight as it is? This. AND. Not. Right. Surely during the summer holidays you did not maintain your normal eating habits. Obviously you splurged and ate a few cartons of ice cream here, a campfire or two batches of s'mores, more pizza than you could play frisbee in, and of course, because we're all so grown up, we shared some high calorie booze drinks. As a result of your summer filled with new adventures and friends we will never forget, spend your summer with your new tire around your waist. You brush the thought away because five extra kilos can't make a difference, after all you still manage to wear all of last year's clothes without any problems. As the school year slowly passes and class work piles up faster than you can keep up with, you receive your first body report card. The coach slams the white envelope on your desk. You stare at him, which turns into a stare, and eventually you can only focus on that stupid envelope. Carefully, open the flat pack. Scanning the twelve-point font, obviously standard times new roman, you read that your body is not fit enough to pass your school's new health regulations